Finding Specific ID's from a joined table


I created a join to GET club information for my specific use case like such:

is there a way to specify that I only want post information from '_clubs' if the 'id' for '_clubs' is a specific one? For example I only want club id #1, thus giving me all the post data for that.



  • Max
    Max Member
    edited October 2023

    go to library > addons and play with editing addon you made, that should do it. do more complex query or add steps and functions to get any result wanted.

    when you create addon from that interface in output - you only have access to limited options and can't edit it really or add any more steps and conditions

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Is it that you just want the club ID that was passed by an input? As well as posts for that club? If you phrase what you want it to return in english, you will find that the logic kind of comes together. We can help in the group if you share a little more about what you're trying to accomplish!