Ably realtime chat question


Hi all,

I'm working through the video on the Ably template and have a question about how it works with my Xano backend.

In the video, Ably is set up in its own workspace with 3 tables: user, chat, and chatroom.

If I am setting this up within my app, should I set it up in my app's workspace? (i.e. the user table that already exists in my app would be used as the user table for Ably, instead of the table created by the template).

I know that seems like a silly question, but the problem is that if I do it like that I don't get the Ably API chat endpoints from the template - I would have to build them myself. Building them myself is certainly an option, but as a newbie at this I know it will give me a lot of headaches!




  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @GavinReid! 👋

    You can either go with the one in your workspace or choose one from the template.

    No matter which one you pick, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

    • Ensure that your selected table has all the necessary fields included.
    • Update the endpoints so that they correctly point to the chosen user table.

    Hope this is helpful! Let us know if you have any further questions. 😊