Send data from Jotform to Xano


Hi there,

I don't have an engineering background, so I apologize if my explanation is not perfect.

Current situation

  • My current stack is Xano <> WeWeb.
  • I'm using JotForm to generate a form from which users can downloads their answers after filling it. They download it through a PDF.
  • This form is embed in a gated WeWeb space.


  • I'd like to monitor those downloads into Weweb.
  • I'd like to display a lign of each downloaded PDF

Where I'm stuck
I'm wondering what would be the first step to "connect" Jotform and Xano.

I have found resources but around Typeform :

Can you guide me on where to look first? I'm a bit lost.

Thank you very much for your help


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi @FXF. Typically, any time you want "service A" to send information based on a trigger to "service B", you'd utilize their webhooks for that. A webhook can be thought of as "call an API when something happens". So, you'd need to build an API in Xano to process the Jotform data, and then provide that API's URL to Jotform via their webhook functionality.

    What the API in Xano does really just depends on the type of response Jotform sends. You'd want to start with a Get All Input function, which will just take whatever is sent to that API and store it in a variable so you can use it in the rest of your function stack. If you want an idea of what an API for form responses in Xano should look like, here's a video we published for Typeform to Xano.