Requesting list of IDs in get endpoint


Hi there,

How do I request multiple IDs in a simpel request?

I currently am doing it in a loop, but due to speed I would love to learn how to do it in a single request:


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    Are those ids from Xano table? Do the records have something in common? You can use query records with conditions to get the ids you need from the table. If you need ids alone then you can customize the query output in "output" section of a query.

    My answer is very general because I'm not sure what exactly you want to do.

  • n.stummann

    Exactly, they are a bunch of IDs from a datatable in Xano (See screenshot).

    The IDs that I want to extract may vary and they don't necessarily have anything in common.

    Is there a way to achieve what I am looking for through the http endpoint?

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    So You are not choosing those bunch of ids from database by any condition/filter?

  • n.stummann

    No unfortunately not. I have a seperate vector database which returns these IDs.

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Wait so you are not getting those requests from Xano directly, bet they are coming as an input in your call?

  • n.stummann

    I have a seperate vectordatabase where that uses the same IDs for the same records across the two databases.

    I make a query to the vector database and it return matching IDs. Then I want to fetch data for these IDs that I store in Xano :)