Why can't I see the new table reference when doing an addon

Kunle Member
edited October 2023 in ? Working with APIs

I have a problem. I have a user table that references a clients table using the clients_id. I have an auth/me endpoint that calls the user details and an addon of the client.

Now I have a new countries table and I created a new field, countries_id, on the clients table that references the countries table. On the auth/me endpoint, I want to do a second level addon (from the initial client addon) of countries.

The problem is that I can't select the countries_id value from the user.clients fields list when creating the addon because it does not appear.

I'm not sure if there's something I'm missing.

Best Answer

  • Kunle
    Kunle Member
    Answer ✓

    After a few hours, I'm able to reference the it now. Looks like it just took a while for the field to propagate.