ASV Scan Service for PCI Compliance


I would like to know about the ASV Scan Service for PCI Compliance within Xano. How to apply it in practice?

What plan has this functionality?

The objective is to bring greater security to soon obtain PCI certification in Brazil.


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, @Daniel Favarini. The scan you're referring to isn't something you'd have to apply; it has to do with the internal systems of Xano and how they are maintained.

    You can read more about how PCI Compliance works here. I'd also recommend referring to our own security documentation for more details on the practices Xano employs to ensure security and compliance.

  • Daniel Favarini

    Is it something that already exists within the Xano system?
    Today for PCI certification, how can I prove that it is working within the platform that we developed within Xano?