Enum values not saving


My enum fields work at first, and then they don't, and I can't figure out what this issue is.

I have three enum fields in my table. They are all set as lists and I've added text values.

When I add data to my table, the enum fields sometimes work and sometimes don't. Very frustrating.

The times when they don't work, the enum values I've set don't even show up as options. I get an error box, "Failed to save row: 4 - Enum filter requires a scalar value."

Has anyone else experienced this? How can fix this?


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator


    edited October 2023

    Hey @noelia! 👋

    When you are adding a record to your database table, does data for the enum field match one of your enum options?

    For example, I have a menu table where I have the field category type enum. The options for this field are Appetizer, Salad, Main Course, and Dessert. So, every time I add a new record, this field has to be populated with one of these options.

    Also, can you share a little about why they are set as lists? Curious if this is causing an issue.

  • noelia
    noelia Member

    Thanks Liz! I think I'm just so new that I was messing things up somehow. I've restructured my database, and things seem to be working now. Thanks for your help.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Awesome, @noelia! Glad to hear things are working now! 🥳