HTMX + Xano + ..Webflow? 😍


With all the HTMX craze, I thought to create a Webflow cloneable, and who knows maybe a Webflow App, but I noticed that HTMX needs to get HTML back in order to swap content inside the document. So my question(s) is..:
- Can we manipulate data in Xano to return with the format we want it (from JSON to HTML) without using templates (Pug/Mustaches etc)?
- If yes, how do we do this exactly?
- What would be the optimal way of calling this data & render it inside Webflow?

There was a similar question last year by Eddie but the answers weren't exactly that clear, so here I am posting again 😊

Thank you ❤️



  • Cameron B
    Cameron B Member, Administrator



    I'm currently building out a small tool for myself that requires JSON to be converted into HTML, and it's a very manual, sprintf filled, process. Since the HTML needs to be returned as HTML, which is text, I've created a text variable that holds values:


    Where then I sprintf the next bit of content. It's very tedious but it is doable.

    It's a series of conditionals that check the JSON, but it works!