How to manipulate/transform an .slk file in xano ?


I would like to import data (open data from a French public site which does not have an API but allows the download of a .slk file) I do not know how to transform the .slk file into json .
I tried with a lambda (and the help of Chatgpt) but without success. Would you know how to do it? Thank you in advance for your help.




  • Louis Machado - CSA
    Louis Machado - CSA Administrator



    Unfortunately, .slk files are not supported in Xano. You would need to use a third-party service (if there is one) to be able to read or transform its data inside the platform via an API call. It's very hard to automate anything with this extension since it is a format that is not commonly used today. If you want to do it occasionally, you would have more success if you downloaded it manually, converted it to .csv, and later uploaded the data.

  • Benoit RENOU

    Thank you for your answer.