Not able to use Facebook login



I am trying to integrate Facebook login, followed step by step instruction as provided in the walkthrough video, but I am not able to log in even via DEMO.

1) I have created an app in Meta for Developers and filled out all necessary pre-requesites. No required actions from Meta.

2) I have configured environment variables (app ID and secret)

3) I have entered my facebook oauth api group base url

4) I have entered the redirect uri in Meta for Developers

However, when I try to use any of the demo functions I am redirected to an error page

I have noticed that UI in Meta for Developers has changed comparing to what Michael had in his walk through. Perhaps, there is another thing I should do to set it up?


  • Lefteris -

    Hey @aleksis,

    I am guessing this might also be an issue with Meta itself.

    Could you get in contact with their support and get some more information about the screen that you see?

    If you can post the answer you will get here it would be helpful for everyone else having the same issue.