How do I account for empty/null values when doing a get request?


I'm using Bubble as my front end, but whenever I make a call and there is an empty value or null value, bubble throws an error. I am using the xano plugin along with the api connector, (I've attached screenshots below of how the get request is setup)

This is one of the errors I got

Has anyone else faced the same issue and know the best solution? For now I am thinking of manipulating the response so that bubble wont throw an error.
If the field is expecting a number and it is empty then that is an issue (manipulate to 0)
If it is expecting a text and it is empty (manipulate to "" )
if it is expecting an array and it is empty (manipulate to an empty array) an example here would be the seller_with_offer [0] in the run and debug window
Same process for null values
How would I go about this?

