API Error while uploading image - FILENAME IS TOO LONG??


Hi! Im trying to upload a photo via API and this error appear while debugging:

Whoops! An error occurred. Exception: Filename is too loongWhoops! An error occurred.Exception: Filename is too long. The maximum length is 200 characters.

Name of image is "1" (I tried different versions) and weight is only 26kb (I also tried different images).

Can someone help??



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Pat can you provide a screen shot of the function where you're running into the error? It'd be helpful to see how the various fields of the function are mapped.

    HINT: to find the function where the error is happening, trigger the error and open up the debugger (or API request history) the last function shown to run is where the error occurred.