Building a 'friend' list


Hello, I hope there's a kind soul out there who can help me with this on a Friday evening!

I'm trying to build a kind of 'friend' list where a user presses a button and adds another user to their list. This means taking signup_ids from both users (the auth id from the user pressing the button) and adding both users to a new table:

I'm new to this, but I can sense that I'm close… At the moment I keep getting the error message from the precondition when I run and debug.

Could someone take a look and tell where I'm going wrong?


Best Answer

  • Lefteris -
    Lefteris - Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello again @GavinReid,

    The page that pops up for the Add-on asks from you to choose a value that will be used for the mapping of the add-on (meaning that each response of buddy_list should return the profile either of the user with .id or the other user - probably the friend - with the .signup_id.

    Pick on and in the next step you will see the whole object.

    Also keep in mind there is a custom way to do that as well (instead of the add-ons).

    Using a for-each loop where as a list you pick the response of the "Query all records", and inside the loop you are making a get request for that specific item, and then appending it into a table.

    It is surely more advanced, I am just throwing out some ideas so you can get the hang of Xano's possibilities.


  • Lefteris -

    Hi @GavinReid,

    First and foremost, the answer of the query cannot be "False" (neither True of course) because it is not a boolean.

    It is always an array. So in your case the precondition should check whether the array is empty (Probably what you need is == []).

    I would also suggest another approach for the friendlist, in case you are new to this, where in the user's table you will create a field named friends in this way:

    Then in the new column you click Change Type

    And you choose the Structure to be a list,

    Then you append every new friend inside there.

    My suggestion requires a little bit more complicated steps, but it is a much better approach, unless you are going to build a large production app.

    Hit me up if you need anything else!

  • GavinReid
    GavinReid Member

    Thanks a lot @Lefteris -, that's exactly what I needed. I'll look into the list in the user table as well - thanks for the advice!

  • GavinReid
    GavinReid Member

    Hi @Lefteris -,

    That now posts info to my friendlist table, but how can I get the info about friends to show up in my friendlist screen? I tried an add-on, but I can only get profile.signup_id (i.e. my own info). I want to display a list of my friends (with profile pic etc).

    How can I add an add-on to get the profile info of signup2_id?

    Thanks again!

  • GavinReid
    GavinReid Member

    That's great @Lefteris -, thanks again for your help - I know this is probably very basic stuff, but it's still quite hard to get your head around!