Handling missing variables from a Webhook call


I am integrating Xano with Salesforce. I've gotten it to work fairly well but when data isn't populated in Salesforce the API callout doesn't include a null value for the variable but rather just strips it from the call.

An example is Middle Name. When it is populated in Salesforce the JSON looks like this:

"Id": "00QAd000007uz1ZLAQ",
"LastName": "Johnson",
"FirstName": "Joe",
"LeadSource": "Trade Show",
"MiddleName": "Bob",
"Salutation": "Mr.",
"userId": "0054K000001cmRSQAY"

When it isn't populated it looks like this:

"Id": "00QAd000007uz1ZMAQ",
"LastName": "Johnson",
"FirstName": "Joe",
"LeadSource": "Trade Show",
"Salutation": "Mr.",
"userId": "0054K000001cmROQAY"

When Xano gets the second JSON there is a 500 error with the message: Unable to locate var: fromSalesforce.new.0.MiddleName

Is there a way to handle missing input variables like this somehow? I've tried checking for null but that seems to only check for a null value and not a missing variable.

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