Testing in Production & Development


When an app I created is uploaded, how will I be able to continuously update and test my backend in development without affecting the app within production?



  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @NWold!

    You can use branches and merging for this. A Branch is a copy of a workspace's business logic (APIs, Functions, Addons, and Tasks). They are most useful for testing and developing new versions of your app without affecting your customers' primary experience.

    Merging Branches allows for seamless development management of different environments. It allows you to update a destination Branch with changes and updates created from a source Branch. Merging will include changes to published objects such as APIs, Functions, Addons, and Tasks, and newly created ones.

    You can learn more about branching and merging in our docs here. 😊