Why does my webhook gets a 500 as soon as I publish the endpoint? (Build plan)

Jean Sam
Jean Sam Member
edited October 2023 in ? Help! I'm a Noob


I'm sending a post webhook via Postman. When I go to the request history of my endpoint I get a "200 OK" result.

Then I publish the endpoint. I post the exact same call from Postman, and I get a "500 internal server error" - although I do receive the data from Postman. I'm surely missing something obvious, but I not sure what! I'm quite new at Xano. Does it have something to do with the fact that I'm on the free plan?

Thanks for any clue you may have


  • Cameron B
    Cameron B Member, Administrator



    Hmm - would you mind posting some screenshots to see what we're dealing with?

    It's a good rule of thumb to include a content-type of application/json.

    Also, what method are you using? GET, POST? What params are we sending?

    Lastly, to clear most things up, what does your request history say? That is, in the top-right-hand corner of the endpoint, tap those three dots → request history.

    This should point us in the right direction!

  • Jean Sam
    Jean Sam Member
    edited October 2023

    Hi Cameron, thanks for the quick answer!

    I've tried again, so here is what I see from the request history tab. The only thing I've changed between the 200 and the 500 ones is that I published the endpoint.

    Here is the endpoint (not sure it can get any simpler than that):

    And fyi here is my Post call from Postman, which I haven't changed at all (again, it triggered a 200 as long as the endpoint was in draft), so I guess the fix is rather on the Xano side

    And here are the default Postman headers:

  • Cameron B
    Cameron B Member, Administrator



    When you click on the request history with the 500 - looking inside the output, what does it say?

  • Jean Sam
    Jean Sam Member

    It says "unable to decode input". Interesting that for the one that works (when in draft), i don't have any output.

  • Cameron B
    Cameron B Member, Administrator



    The output is just the actual message being outputted - it's not the actual output. In this case, the input being sent is being sent in such a way that the system can't accurately understand it. Mind posting an example of what you're sending?

  • Jean Sam
    Jean Sam Member

    Hi Cameron, thanks for staying with me! :)
    Mmmh what i'm sending is shown in the 2 Postman screenshots in my previous post (Headers and body). Did you allude to anything else?