Amazon SES with XANO instead of SendGrid


As many of you know, its a common issue Twilio Sendgrid automatically rejects accounts upon signup without any reasoning. I assume they are getting stricter to reduce pishing and such.

This causes a challenge for business owners as myself who are locked out and now need to find a solid alternative solution for transactional email with Xano.

Now, Amazon SES seems like a good alternative. It is in every way possible cheaper.

The question I have, has anyone actually implemented this with Xano. What was the approach and challenges? Any other alternatives to recommend?

Any reason it would’nt work? How «no-code» is a solution like this?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Yes you can orchestrate Amazon SES from Xano. Yes it is cheaper. If you go down this route, consider using a lambda plus the nodemailer library installed with Xano for easiest integration:

    Other Xano customers in the State Change group have found success with Postmark (owned by ActiveCampaign), which has a pretty easy-to-work-with REST API. This approach is all no-code.