Vimeo OAuth Redirect - Xano API "Unable to locate request." Error


I'm using the Vimeo API to get access to end-user's Vimeo accounts. Following their API docs they use OAuth2. After the end user accepts the access, they get sent to the redirect URI along with an auth code as a URL parameter.

I have set the redirect URI as the end point URL of my API on Xano. However, it generates this response: {"code":"ERROR_CODE_NOT_FOUND","message":"Unable to locate request."}

If I use Postman, the API runs as expected. However, simply pasting the response URL with parameters into a browser or Vimeo itself redirecting there results in the above error and no entry in the history.

I assumed this is due to the POST verb not being present. So, I used the "Get All Input (Webhook)" as described in the docs; however, that is the same error.

Not sure where/what I'm doing wrong at this point.



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Yes, an oauth redirect is always a GET request - it's sending your user's browser to that screen.

    I actually don't recommend this, becuse it creates the situation where your backend might not know whose vimeo account they just got.

    Instead, having vimeo redirect to a page on your front end, and have that page make a call to Xano with the code from the URL and enough context to know which user we are talking about so it can make the connections it needs to.

    Oauth is tricky! Take it one step at a time. It's an intersectional concern that's part of the hardest 5% we work on in State Change office hours.