Only one database per workspace?

robertfdev Unconfirmed, Member
edited November 2023 in ❓Other questions

I'm totally new to Xano and would like to know, are you limited to one database per workspace? When I click on Dashboard and see my default workspace and its database, I don't see a way to create a second database in that workspace. If I'm creating two websites that use authentication, I would naturally want two databases with their own user tables. If I do need two workspaces to have two databases, then, frankly, I can't see developing with Xano right now. As a solo freelancer, I can't afford $80-$100 per month for a plan that supports multiple workspaces just so that I can experiment with creating different web apps to sell to prospective clients. Thanks in advance for all your answers.


Best Answer

  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi Robert,

    If you are using the free plan then you are correct there is only one workspace allocated to this plan. To get additional workspaces you'll need to upgrade to the Launch plan.

    If you are merely testing and not wanting an upgrade, you can set up two user tables within the same workspace. Inside the database table settings, you can enable authentication for a table. Then on an API level when enabling Authentication be sure to select the correct Auth table.