Using search with Draftbit

NWold Member

I managed to set up the search feature in Xano, but I am stuck with implementing it into Draftbit. Here is what I have on Xano:

search_query is inputted to give the search, but I am unsure what to do after this. In Draftbit, I cannot add the ability to input search_query. At least I do not see the ability for me to. This is what my endpoint looks like:

Where would I set up the ability to input a search query and receive the specific data I want? Is it within the 'Endpoint Path & Parameters' section? Because when I try to do this, I get an error:

How can I fix this?



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    edited November 2023

    I'd recommend using POST for search (make it a POST in Xano and POST method in Draftbit). This should enable you to define a request body where you would define your search_query parameter.

    In terms of your current error, your search query variable is not part of your endpoint URL, which is why you're hitting the 404 error.