Updating table reference list array


I have two tables, one called Profiles and one called Regions. The Profiles table has a table reference (list) to the Regions table.

On the front end, users complete a form to update their profile with the regions they are in.

In my API, I have an input that contains the values for the new regions they select on the form.

I've figured out how to merge the values from the form with the values in the table already, but I want to clear out the old values. I don't want to merge them together.

How do I clear out the old values and only add the new values?


Best Answer

  • arturosanz
    arturosanz Member ✭✭
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    @noelia substituting is actually easier than merging list values. You just have to assign the list input with the new values received to the list field in the Edit Record function.


  • noelia
    noelia Member

    @arturosanz Thanks for that. I was totally making it harder than I needed to. I removed the merge filter and aligned the input with the field, and it worked just as I needed. Thanks!