Filter Database Query by 'Does not include those"


Hello dear No-Coders,

I'm trying to query all records from a database where every item has a certain task ID, by providing all task IDs that I don't want to have outputted. So if I have a database with the tasks; 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D… and I provide the filter on 3C and 1A… - I would only get an array of 2B, 4D… back.

But the IDs I wouldn't like to have outputted (so the ones I want to exclude from the query result) will come from another action that returns them as another array.

(From a query in a "completed tasks" database)

So how would I translate the output that will provide an undefined amount of "task ID's" to exclude them in the query for uncompleted tasks, and in general do this whole process effectively?


  • lesa
    lesa Member, Administrator



    Hi Verbical

    Could you share a loom of what you have so far so I can provide you a specific solution to this?