Uploading files to an S3 object locked bucket


Hi there,

I am attempting to upload files to an object locked bucket in Amazon S3. For those unfamiliar, object lock in S3 is primarily for compliance and limits any user from deleting or removing files after upload.

I am getting the upload to work to a normal bucket via the native Xano functions, but for object locked buckets I receive errors about needed additional headers for security. Find the relevant part of the error below:

InvalidRequest Content-MD5 OR x-amz-checksum- HTTP header is required for Put Object requests with Object Lock parameters

Setting up the direct external API requests to S3 seems relatively complicated after reading the docs (e.g. generating the signature, etc.) so thought I'd ask if anyone:
1. Knows if I can set this custom header within the native Xano S3 function

2. Has experience connecting to S3 via external API requests in Xano


