Looking for coach 2+ hours / week with Xano and Weweb expertise.


I there, I am looking for a coach / mentor with Xano and WeWeb experience.
The idea is that I do most of the building. We could do two 1 hour sessions each week where I can ask concrete questions about the build and resolve any roadblocks alongside you.

This is a paid opportunity and the project is in the regenerative agriculture field.

Looking forward to get to know you.


  • Rajib Hasan

    Hello Simon,

    Your initiative in the regenerative agriculture field sounds intriguing! I’m well-versed in both Xano and WeWeb, and I love the idea of collaborating closely with you. I'm open to dedicating two hours each week for in-depth sessions where we can tackle your questions and overcome any hurdles in your project. Count me in for this paid opportunity.

    Looking forward to diving into this exciting venture together.

    Rajib Hasan
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dhkpablo/

  • Xano freelance

    Hi Simon

    I have 2.5 year of experience in xano. I have worked on many xano projects like fintech , inventory management, health care projects.

    Please feel free to contact me

    Email:- aasif.freelancer@gmail.com