how to filter results by a boolean field in a record.


I have about 8000 records and among other fields or keys they each have a boolean field that says "isEnabled" with a true or false. I am trying to simply query all records and then return the records where the "isEnabled" is "false".

Thanks in adavnce!

Best Answer


  • Cameron B
    Cameron B Member, Administrator



    In your query, you would set up an argument so that it looks at the table's column of isEnabled. You would want this to == false.

  • Bzarbo
    Bzarbo Member

    Thank you for the answer so this bring what the next problem is for me because technically your answer is correct however I already have a query where I am filtering by name.

    How do I have another option where I can filter by name or boolean? would that require me to make a new API endpoint for just the boolean? I think this is where I am getting lost.