Xano Tutorials

Michael Udinski
Michael Udinski Administrator


edited October 2022 in ? Video Tutorials
It's our goal to educate the community on Xano and backend concepts such as APIs, databases, and much more. We have many video tutorials on our YouTube channel so please subscribe! We'll be posting notable new ones here as well. Please write a post if there's any tutorials you'd like to see. 


  • Peter Nelson
    Would love to have a full demo tutorial associated with Airtable importing. It's not clear to me if under the free Xano plan I can full convert multiple Airtable bases that compose a single "app" environment or not? I'd appreciate being able to experiment with seeing all my Airtable data in Xano and experimenting with a bit before committing to a full plan and selecting a front-end tool to work in conjunction with it. 
  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator


    edited April 2023

    Hi Peter,

    You are able to import your Airtable bases into Xano via our Airtable integration - there are some instructions here: Airtable Import Documenation
    You are able to achieve this on our free plan however please note you are limited to 10,000 records that you can bring across. You are able to create multiple tables which would allow for multiple bases on this plan.