Issues with uploading/creating data


I'm having the following issues, I've been trying to fix for hours but no success. Any help will be really appreciated.
1.  Whenever I select an enum value from the dropdown on a table, it isn't saved. even when it says "saved" at the bottom, when I refresh the page it is gone. Image attached of an example, it said saved at the bottom, then it disappeared and is empty again.[Capture.PNG]2. I can't seem to upload a date correctly from Adalo to Xano. When I use a text field for the date, it works (kinda). For example, I submitted a date from Adalo to Xano of 10/10/2017, in Xano's text field it says 4 years ago, which is somewhat correct. However, when I submit the same data to a timestamp field, it's incorrect. It says dates in the 1990s. I think I need to add a function to convert it? I saw the youtube video about timestamps and tried converting it, but it didn't work, see pictures: (added as link because now the pictures are not uploading directly on the forum for some reason)

Thanks for any help!


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    What browser are you using?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    It sounds like you are using Safari. There are still some issues with that which are being worked out.

    For the time being, we recommend using Google Chrome. If you are able to use that, then your enum issue should be resolved.

    In terms of dates, your photo looks like you created a variable "var_1" but aren't actually using it anywhere.

    In terms of timestamp formats, we support several - check out this link for more details -
  • Has
    Has Member
     Hi Sean, thanks a lot for your quick reply! No I'm not using Safari. I tried the enum both with Chrome and Opera web browser, same issue on both. I also tried making new tables and same issue with all tables I make.

    Also, I read the link, So the dates are DD/MM/YYYY, I'm using the variable now, so it's formatting to relative time from PHP, but it's still not coming in right. Somehow the Date-text field is correct (I submitted dates that are 1 and 4 years ago), but the date field isn't:

    Thanks for your help!
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    You are right. There is an issue with the enums. I'm seeing it myself now. Will take a look at this asap and get back to you on that.

    In terms of the date, I think you are doing to much here. If the input Dates is already a Timestamp, then it will be in timestamp format. It will handle all the different formats mentioned in the link automatically. You don't need to use any filters.

    If you can give me your exact input to the API endpoint, I can double check if its in a different format and then let u know what to do.

    Go to Run&Debug and copy/paste the input you see there and paste it here.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hey Has,

    We posted an emergency fix for the ENUMs. You should be able to use them properly now. Sorry about that and thanks for letting us know.
  • Has
    Has Member
     Thank you for fixing the ENUMs so quick, they work now :) I didnt even have the variable there first. I just used the default endpoint. But when I disable that variable I added, nothing gets added to the "dates" or "datetext" fields at all, that's why I added it.

    With the variable however, the wrong date gets added to the timestamp field but the right date kind of gets added to text. I'm not sure what you meant by input exactly so I also ran it, here are 3 pictures of Run&Debug
    Btw, I'm not using the "epoch" or "yes' inputs they were just for testing. I'm using "dates" and "datetext" Thanks for your help :)
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    I'm still not entirely following what you are trying to do here and the screenshots only offer so much information. I know a lot of our users are doing this just fine so there must be something small missing somewhere.

    Happy to jump on a zoom and go through this on the fly. Let me know a few times you are available tomorrow and we can send you an invite.
  • Has
    Has Member
    Thank you that’s very nice of you :) Any time from 10am-9pm EST is fine for me. Thanks!