Getting a Trello Card created-at timestamp

It seems like Trello has a bit of a cryptic way to store a Card timestamp. The created-at timestamp for a Trello Card is the first 8 hex characters of the Card id/guid.

Those 8 hex characters need to be converted to their equivalent decimal value. The decimal value is the Epoch timestamp, which can be converted to a localized timestamp.

My issue is converting the 8 characters from hex to decimal. Any thoughts on how to do that in Xano?


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    sounds like we need to add a few new filters! we should be able to add these new filters this week.
  • Steve Stava
    Steve Stava Member

    that sounds great! Thanks. I wouldn’t mind having a Math exponent capability if you get bored 😂
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hey Steve, we bundled your functionality improvements with some other architecture changes and have a few more bugs to fix. This looks like it will be pushed back to a Monday release. Just a heads up. 
  • Steve Stava
    Steve Stava Member

    Thanks! Sounds great. I appreciate it.
  • Steve Stava
    Steve Stava Member
     It works great! I just tried it. Thanks for the "hexdec" and the math exponent :)

    The hexdec function replaces this temporary function I created to do the hex to decimal conversion 😜
    [Screen Shot 2021-06-07 at 4.21.01 PM.png]