How to format an Eval/Grouped By timestamp?

I have a timestamp value that I use in both Joined tables through the Eval capability as well as in the Grouped By of Aggregated output. 

I would like to be able to Format the timestamp into a human readable format, but I am not finding the format timestamp filter.

How can this be accomplished without creating a new column in the database (for a formatted timestamp) or by looping through the list of items to create a formatted version of the timestamp?



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Right now that filter is not available on the query. Meaning you would have to do one of the two steps you want to avoid. We'll take a look at making that available for Evals/Grouped By. 
  • Steve Stava
    Steve Stava Member

    thanks! I have gone with the table column for the time being 👍
  • Bryan
    Bryan Member
    Any updates on this one  

    Looking to show some data of revenue by month in human readable format (but all my dates are stores as timestamps in the DB)
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     you can always format the timestamp into human readable in the response per usual. This post was referring to using this filter it in the query.
  • Stefan Pointecker

    @Michael Udinski what do you mean by " you can always format the timestamp into human readable in the response per usual. "
    I do not see an option to format a query response directly. Do you mean if I iterate over the result again and format it that way?

    I am also looking for a way to use for example "eval" to have a readable date column in my csv export.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Yes, you can use the format_timestamp filter to format timestamps into a human-readable format. Correct, this is not performed in the query. And yes, anytime you are manipulating a list you will want to iterate over it with a loop to manipulate that list. (