Magic Link with Bubble front-end ?

Michael Udinski
Michael Udinski Administrator


edited October 2022 in ? Video Tutorials

We launched our Magic Link extension just a few days ago! Check out how you can implement it in your Bubble front-end to offer your users a passwordless authentication method:


  • Unknown
    Hey  I've watched both this video and the Sign Up Log In tutorial. 

    It's great that we have an ability to sign users up to our Bubble app with Xano's authentication. However, I have reservations with security, with the auth token being displayed as a param in the URL, and being passed from page to page as the User navigates.

    Is there a way that can circumvent this? 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - I'm sure there are other ways in Bubble to pass a variable. Keep in mind the token is encrypted and unique to the user and passing it this way is still done over HTTPS. I'd definitely recommend checking out Bubble's documentation/support if you want to pass it a different way
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    I will add that Magic Link will need the magic token in the URL... because it is a magic link by definition. This Magic Token is parsed from the URL, taken as an input, verified, and that is how a user receives their authorization token to authenticate. 
  • Sam Holding
    Hi . Great video thanks!

    Do you know why my 'Login with Magic Link' API call generates the error shown below when initialized? The settings appear to be the same as those shown in the video and my 'my_token' input is a text input.

    I found a couple of ways around it but created problems for myself further down the road. Any help much appreciated.
    [Screenshot 2022-02-20 at 19.59.09.png][Screenshot 2022-02-20 at 19.59.21.png]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     Yes in the response of that endpoint in Xano, add a name for it (basically a key pairing to the value). You probably have it returning "as self" right now which is just the raw token. Bubble needs to accept a key-value pair
  • Sam Holding
    Perfect! Thank you. Much appreciated as always :D
  • mlovell
    mlovell Member


    In need of some help please. I keep getting an 'Incorrect magic_token' message.

    Everything was successful when initialized. I've reinstalled the Magic Link with Sendgrid package to try and resolve the error. Everything else is set up as per the video tutorial and all endpoints and functions are straight out of the Starter Package. Request magic link email and redirects are working as specified.

    I just keep hitting the same error message when the redirect page loads.

    Can someone please give me some additional pointers?

    Appreciate the help.
