Error on encountering blank data from API

I am importing information in a smartsheet table and populating a xano database with that information using an API.

When Xano encounters a blank cell in Smartsheet, it errors out and doesn't complete adding any more records to my database.
I tried adding a get filter to default null values, I'm not sure if I did it right.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?



  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hey Marwan,

    A get filter just needs the path.

    So your top entry would be just var:row instead of var:row.cells.1.value

    Then your path value inside the get filter would be "cells.1.value"

    Try that and let me know if it works.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     did that help solve you running into an error? It's possible that depending on the response you do (or rather don't) get back from your external API, you may need to create some conditional logic to tell your Function Stack what to do if something doesn't exist. 

    I can try to help pinpoint an example of this from your API if it's needed?
  • Marwan Rateb
    Marwan Rateb Member
    Thanks Michael & Sean,

    It worked!
