
Hello Xano Team, I upgraded to Starter plan tonight but when I try to create a new Instance I keep getting the Upgrade window and cant continue. I thought with the starter plan I get 3 instances?   I only have one created so I should have 2 available? I logged in and out a few times and tried everything else I could think of. And under billing my account confirms I am subscribed to the Starter Plan.

Thanks Billie


  • Billie Mead
    Billie Mead Member
    Nevermind, I confused Instances with Workspaces. I figured it out.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey Billie, glad you figured that out. But I can see how going from the Explore plan where you're taken right into your workspace when you select your instance to now a paid plan where the flow is slightly different can be confusing.