How do I append a record to a listed object?

I finally figured out how to edit the event_id record in the member table with the event_id found in the event_reservation table.

But, each time a user RSVPed for an event, the current event_id record in member gets replaced with the even_id of the new reservation.

Users will make multiple reservations over the time of their membership, so I need event_id in member to be a list of all reservations for that specific user.

Below are screenshots of my tables and how I designed the API.

Does anyone have an idea how I can remedy this?
[event reservation table.png][member table.png][input json.png][output.png][1 add reservation.png][2 get reservation.png][3 get member.png][4 member webflow id.png][5 get member member reservations.png][6 assign reservation.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Working with arrays in the database can be tricky. One thing to keep in mind if that's how you'd like to structure it is: each time you make an update to an array you are updating the entire thing. See this post for an example video for updating a list -

    Depending on how many reservations a user will have you may want to consider having an individual record per reservation. 
  • Christopher McNeil
    Thanks, Michael. That's a good point. I'm assuming a few hundred users may rsvp at least three times a week once launched. And I'm anticipating membership (monthly users) and reservations (daily engagement) reaching low thousands within a few months.

    I want to record users' reservations in an object to display current and previous reservations on a dedicated page.

    I currently have a table that captures an individual record per reservation.
    [event reservation table.png]
    Would it be possible to display to a user their reservations using just the table you've recommended? 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Yes because you would just filter by something like the user id or auth user id - or in your case likely the member_webflow_id to get the records only belonging to the user. 
  • Christopher McNeil
    Awesome, that's the route I'll go then. Thanks again.