Date submission error

I'm attempting to post a date to Xano, but it is consistently returning 0. I have successfully done it before in the past using the date formats as suggested in the following post:
I have tried submitting Unix timestamps as strings and numbers, and all combinations of the above accepted formats.

I am aware that the date format in the screenshot is not approved, but this is more to demonstrate what is getting returned.
[Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 08.31.38.png]
Any help would be appreciated. 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  - Actually, that format would work fine for inputting into a timestamp - it's super-flexible. But what's in the documentation is always the safe bet because of how different date formats can be.

    I'm not seeing any issues on my end. If you'd like, feel free to DM me the endpoint URL and I can take a closer look to see if I notice anything messing it up
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey Kiran, I already direct messaged you but for anyone else who was curious... There is a Format Timestamp filter on your Add Record function. There is no format specified and there is a timezone specified.

    However, since you are storing the birthdate as a timestamp, there is no need to format it or specify the timezone. In Xano, timestamps will always be stored as a unix timestamp in milliseconds. Unix timestamps are always the amount of seconds (or milliseconds) from Jan. 1, 1970 UTC - so it's going to be independent of the timezone. The format timezone filter is more so if you wished to return a timestamp back through the API as a human-readable format to be displayed on your front-end or even to transform a timestamp to store it as a text field.