How can I test my changes before the publish to the production?

Hi all,
I am about to publish my app. I am just wondering, how can I make a change to the API without affecting the production? I mean, I am gonna have a change request or support for a bug, and I try to resolve the issue, but by the way, my expected solution can affect existing system flows. I should make sure my solution is proper. After that, I am gonna publish it. 

Thank you,


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi Cihan,

    We are in the middle of developing a much requested versioning solution for the API. Where you can have different versions like production/development etc. and be able to easily switch back and forth between them. This is still another couple or so weeks away. 

    Until then, this will unfortunately require more of a manual process either by cloning an endpoint/converting to a function for testing or manually building for the same purpose