Remove single item from array

Used the same remove a single item from an array API for another table at it works fine. This is what happens when performed in activity table.
[activity_requirement_rmv1_062321.PNG]Here is existing data prior to API run
Here is result:
[activity_requirement_rmv4_062321.PNG]Tried with another array in the same table, same result.
It works fine when used in my other table: source.
Not sure what I am doing wrong.



  • Emilio Carranza
    Thanks to Michael asking me a couple questions, I resolved the issue.
    Next time, before cloning an API, I need to remember to check the OUTPUT.
    The issue above occurred because the cloned API OUTPUT had an AddOn to the group_id output. That is what caused the issue above. Once I removed the AddOn, it worked fine.[solvedissue_062521.png]Thanks Michael!