STOP method?

I'm expanding a Google calendar integration, and the documentation says that if I ever want to stop watching for changes to a data source, I can use a webhook with a STOP method. This is the first I've ever heard of that. I don't see it in the list of options in Xano. Is there a roundabout way to send a STOP method webhook to Google?

(Scroll down to "Stopping notifications")


  • Erin Wagner
    Erin Wagner Member
    I totally take it back. Looks like it's just a POST and it gets sent to a url with "stop" at the end. That must be what they mean. But I'll leave this post here in case anyone else ever needs to search for stop method stuff for apis.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    LOL you scared me. Did I miss a verb?

    Glad you got it straightened out.