Phone Sign in

How can I use phone authentication as a login option?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    There's a few things to consider:
     - You will want to add a phone field to your user table
     - You should create a unique index for that field and require it since users cannot have the same number. 
     - Then you will carefully want to go through the auth endpoints, make sure your new phone field is being returned in the output of any database functions and then carefully swap out anywhere referencing to be and/or email to phone inputs and anything similar. 
  • As Per Logic
    As Per Logic Member
    Thank you! I got through the first 2 bullets but Im a bit lost on the last one. I went to api and I only see the user endpoints for the users table. Am I looking in the right place?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    The auth/login and auth/signup endpoints: the endpoints used for authentication
  • Zephyr
    Zephyr Member

    Does Twillo or another third party have a plug in for this yet?
    Since there is the requirement to verify a user phone number via automatic text isn't theres a lot more to do than switch data fields around?