Show custom function response schema when used in a function stack

When I use one of my custom functions, I often (...usually...always...) forget how its schema is structured, so before I can continue building, I have to open a new tab, pull up the schema and refresh my memory.

That's easy, so it wouldn't be a big deal except that I have to do it all the time. It would be pretty slick if the function node showed that schema so I wouldn't have to lose my train of thought looking it up. It even looks like you created a space to display it.



  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    This is something we have thought about due to conditionals and loops creating unpredictable paths on schema. We have this in our backlog and 100% want to get it right but it is going to take some time to figure out a good solution.
  • Erin Wagner
    Erin Wagner Member
    Ah, I see. Makes sense.