Rate Limiting question

Hi guys

I wanted to update from Starter to Essential, because on the pricing page, Essential is not rate limited.  However, on the Billing - Upgrade info page, the info states that the rate is limited:

3 workspaces
Unlimited APIs
Unlimited Records of data
5GB of media storage
Video and file attachments
1 Background task (limited)
Shared hardware resources
** Rate limited

PS The support link on the main Xano page isn't working. 
[Screenshot 2021-07-05 113728.jpg]


  • Mr_English
    If I click the Cancel Plan link, will any of the existing APIs be effected?  Our client for workspace A has an important demo tomorrow, so we don't want to break anything.

    However, we are blocked at the Upgrade page and we need to do some DB work in workspace B today.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - those plan specifications just appear to be a bug and persisted with the Starter plan stats. The Essential plan is NOT rate limited. 

    I see you started your upgrade but did not complete it - why did would you like to cancel it now?

    Also, can you please try the support button again. We are not seeing any issues with it.
  • Mr_English
     hi - Good news that the Essential is not rate limited.
    I didn't continue with the Plan upgrade because, based on what I've read, the API URL Origin will change! We will continue the upgrade on Wednesday.
    I asked above - if I click the cancel plan link, will anything in our current plan be changed?  Without knowing the implications, I don't want to click cancel.  This means I cannot move from this page and therefore my developers cannot access the workspaces.
    Any suggestions?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     - clicking cancel will void the upgrade. Don't do that.

    Your URL will not change. It only changes when going from free to paid. Since you already on starter, you can safely proceed with the upgrade.

    100% continue with the upgrade.
  • Mr_English
     Thanks Sean. I upgraded and all is well.  I had cause to hesitate after reading this:
    I made a post here to double check the situation, given that our project is now live.
  • Mr_English
     I've just tried the Support link on this page /admin/workspace and it does not work.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Ah. Gotcha. We will update the documentation so its clearer that those steps only apply to the free account upgrade. Thanks for letting us know about that.