Result / Debugger Panel Empty After Run

Hi! I set up an external API with a While Loop to run the GET endpoint multiple times with an offset in order to get all 400+ records (since Airtable limits you to 100 records per call). The API itself works correctly, and everything looks right in my Xano table. However, at the end of the run, I get a blank Result / Debugger panel. Not sure if this is a bug for others or if I set up the While Loop in a way that makes it run infinitely (definitely possible!). 🤷‍♀️
[Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 9.24.55 AM.png]


  • Marianna Kerppola
    It's definitely the While Loop.

    Is there a way to check whether a result contains a variable? When the API gets to the end of the record list, offset is not included in the last set of results. I can't quite think of how to tell Xano "If offset isn't included in the results, end the loop" since there isn't a "contains" condition. 🤔
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey! You may want to consider using a Loop: Break function in here. Probably first establish your offset outside equal to 1 and within the loop update the offset to be plus 1. And have a conditions for when to apply the break loop, for example offset = 3. There will likely be too much data for something this large for the debugger to handle though just a heads up...

    If you are still having trouble, I recommend coming to office hours so we can help you solve this