Zapier to Xano

Is there a way to get data from Zapier into Xano and if so is there a tutorial or video on how to do so?  I use to parse inbound emails and send to Zapier which in turn was sending to Salesforce to create a new record.  I want to swap Xano for Salesforce and have Zapier send the parsed email and have Xano create a new record.

Also is there a Slack channel for Xano yet?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Does mailparser have an API? Perhaps you can swap Zapier out for Xano as well.

    We do not have a Slack channel currently. This has been discussed internally but we haven't made a decision on creating one or not yet. 
  • Tim Jemison
    Tim Jemison Member
    They dont have an API but can work with generic webhooks