Always looking small things ...

... that can improve productivity. First foremost I think Xano's UX is amazing, very objective, simple and intuitive. This post is just the way I see the UX combining small changes that can improve productivity even more.
In this sense at Library left menu we have 3 options: Functions, Addons and Tasks. And when I'm working I can see few functions at the same time having to scroll the page "a lot" as the number of functions (or Addons or Tasks) increases as in the photo below:

and what I'm suggesting for brainstorming would be something more "compact" so that scrolling is "less necessary" and on a "screen" you can see a greater number of functions. I copied and pasted the same example of function just for muck-up the idea:

[image.png]In the screen that you originally can see 3 functions maybe you could see 6, 7 ... Rethinking what said 🤔  this can be easily achieved without any change of the original layout ( forget my ugly 🤣 muck-up 🤣 ) just adjusting paddings, icon and font sizes, flex elements sizes...
 and  sometimes those who are looking at the same screens all day, their eyes get hooked, what I do in my projects is sometimes stop working on a screen for a few days and then ask for an opinion from someone else, who has never even looked at this screen, to make some considerations... this is my humble point of view🙈
