Can you automatically creating records?

Hi all

This is my first post! Please be kind :-)

I'm exploring Xano for our hand made beanie production back end using Adalo as our front end.

One of the things we'll need is the ability to automatically create production item jobs for a particular beanie.

For example, the production manager will look at a particular sku such as cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3 and decide we need to make 8 of these.

In this instance, we will record the sku and quantity in a table, let's call it production sessions and then in another table, let's call it production jobs, we'll need a 8 records automatically added for that sku.

Production Sessions

session: 03/08/2021
sku: cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
quantity: 8

Production Jobs

session          item    sku                                          Allocated To
03/08/2021       1       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
03/08/2021       2       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
03/08/2021       3       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
03/08/2021       4       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
03/08/2021       5       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
03/08/2021       6       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
03/08/2021       7       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3
03/08/2021       8       cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3

Is this possible in Xano please? I'd also need the ability to edit the production session and change 8 to 6 and delete two of the associated records in production jobs.

Thanks for your help in advance.



  • Daniel Rjeili
    Hi  , following what your wrote and the table examples i am "trying" to figure out the relation between tables and respectively id's .. and be sure there is no repeated data(fields) as you can use "foreign-keys" to link tables and use addons as "querys" to respond with what you want to "see" on each screen of the app. Said that, in Xano you can construct flow of data as you wish (there is too many options) mixing api endpoint with custom functions... IF statements , Loops to calculate, insert and or update data,... I don't know your "knowledge level" but from what i understood its possible do what you need with Xano. First try to design your tables, relations, insert sample data, implement addons... to see the "big picture" ... then you go to construct the logic, how the data will flow through "variables/statements/functions..." to achieve the result needed. "Forget" the frontend (Adalo) for "a second" just keep the reference of what you need there, all the 🛠️"heavy work" is here!
    I wrote an essay very simple to you go deeper (detailed) in designing📐 the database tables, naming "conventions", read the documentation and videos, and continue to ask for support here, I am new here and there is great people in this team and in this community to help you .. "learning curve" must be accepted 😂 but in the end of the day it worths each second you invest in Xano!
    By the way congratulations about your website is beautiful and "good images - simple and minimalist". 

    just an essay (starting point)

    Beanies - table
    beanie_id : 1
    sku: cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3 (description correct?)

    Production Sessions - table
    session_id: 20
    session_date: 03/08/2021
    beanie_id: 1
    sku: cocobear | sand | yrs 1-3 (no need here only the ID ABOVE , you can bring through addons the sku "description" field)
    quantity: 8

    Production Jobs - table
    production_id: 10
    session_id: 20