Airtable import brings in entire table, rather than View selected

Hello! I've set up my Airtable Import to bring in a specific view, but it's pulling in the entire table (all fields and no filters).


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hi  - did you import the entire table view first? The airtable import doesn't remove any fields so if you use a view a 2nd time then it will still have the original fields.

    We just did a quick test with a view and it appears to be restricting properly. Let me know if you have any more details and we can try to debug further.
  • Marianna Kerppola
    Hi  -- Yes, I did originally import the entire table view when I first set up my Xano database (didn't realize there was a view only import option at the time). Since moving forward I only want the table view, what would you recommend? 

    Is it possible to copy APIs and functions from one workspace to another? I could create a new workspace, import the Airtable tables using the view only option. Then copy over the APIs and functions I need.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hi ,

    You have a few options.

    1) You can clone your workspace on the workspace settings screen. The top right of the page had the triple dots icon, which lets you clone your workspace (schema only - no records). Then you can delete whatever you don't want.

    2) You could just delete your current table and re-import it via airtable. This would get you in the correct state (assuming your existing table doesn't have any unique information that can't be recovered via airtable). If its just a mirror copy of airtable, then this should work. If you customized it further but want to trim the excess airtable columns, then this needs a little bit more work.