Hi all, how can I check my instance IP?



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - you can use a service to ping your instance, for example:


    Just enter in your hostname. For example, x07d-e032-f135.n7.xano.io

    You can also return $http_headers to find your host as well
  • Felipe Letelier
     Thanks Michael!🙌
  • Riaan Backer
    Riaan Backer Member
     - is this still the case or have things changed?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     this should still be the case
  • Riaan Backer
    Riaan Backer Member
     - we run into integrations often where the external party only support whitelisting of IP's and then we have go an build a whole solution just for this in AWS. I would seriously consider adding this as a feature toggle in Xano
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     Ah I think you are referring to something else. You are actually asking about static IPs. This is something already on our radar but I do not yet have a timeline for a native solution.
  • Tom Wolf
    Tom Wolf Member

    @Michael Udinski do you have any updates on statis IPs?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Tom Wolf - we've actually made significant headway on this very recently. It won't be widely available in the immediate future (still a lot of legwork for that) but if you're on a paid plan we might be able to migrate you ahead of a wider rollout. Please reach out to support@xano.com with the use-case need, we'll record the request but I don't have any ETAs at this time.

  • Tom Wolf
    Tom Wolf Member

    Hi @Michael Udinski , thanks for the reply.

    Currently I'm still on the free plan but will be migrating to paid soon.

    I have a follow-up question, or actually two questions:

    1. Will the static IP be unique per my instance or will it be shared with other people's instances?
    2. Is it possible to configure VPN in Xano to secure the connection between my instance and a third-party server (API)?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Tom Wolf since each paid plan is on its own dedicated servers, it would be unique in that case. The free plan is on a shared server, which is why we are requiring you to be on a paid plan for this.

    I'm not sure about number 2. Let me track down info from engineering on that!

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    @Tom Wolf - number 2 is currently only possible on our Enterprise plans