Xano SSO + Circle + Bubble + Mobile App

Hi everyone,

I am trying to wrap my head around how to do cross platform authentication:

My scenario looks like this...we have 3 potential platforms:
• A community platform (think circle.so, tribe etc...) that can do custom SSO (Auth0 - https://community.circle.so/c/circle-integrations/how-do-i-integrate-circle-with-auth0)
• A bubble app
• a potential mobile app

Can xano act as an Auth0 provider in this case to enable SSO across all platforms?

My ideal scenario is that independently from where a user logs in from, he/she will get a magic.link email or SMS to log in to the respective platform. 

I am struggling to see if this is possible or if I should just keep everything in bubble and ignore the cross platform approach for now.



  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


    Hey  !

    I answered you in Slack but I'll put it here too for posterity. 

    The answer is yes Xano can absolutely server a centralized authentication system across products/front-ends.

    Re: Auth to a community like circle
    Definitely possible - We actually use Circle ourselves for our community and considered using Xano as the Oauth provider (https://cln.sh/1x2jiE), but it’s an additional cost to enable that flexibility and we ultimately decided to use Circle auth since so many users have other circle communities in the NO CODE space (Bravo studio/makerpad,etc)

    Re: Auth with Bubble
    Bubble takes a bit to wrap your head around but as you’ve seen, it’s possible to get things setup. 

    Re: Auth with Adalo
    Since Adalo was mentioned - While they do have authenticated external collections and you can setup authenticated collections, their support for passing data from the authenticated user isn’t great and we’ve had a lot of users complain that it lacks the flexibility they need.  Adalo is aware and working on this,  but I don’t know when this will be fixed.

    Re: Other Potential Mobile Apps
    There are other front-end NO CODE tools that can fully handle auth in the way you’re saying and they all have instructionals on how to connect Xano if you search on Google. I would check out Draftbit, Clutch, React Studio or Appgyver (Instructional Series from  ). The learning curves are a bit steeper but we have lots of users doing this successfully. I would say build a simple sign in page on each app to see which one resonates the most with you.

    Re: Outseta Auth
    We worked closely with the outseta team to build the integration.  You can use Outseta to handle all your billing/auth/backoffice management and Xano for all the business logic.  I believe they have their own connectors to the mentioned front-end no code tools.

    Hopefully this answers your question.  Happy to help further if needed!
  • Bastien
    This sounds interesting. I use Outseta for my Circle members but I can not use it for my Softr app. What stack would you recommend me to change that problem ? I thought to :
    • Weweb+Xano+Outseta
    • Webflow+Xano+Outseta