Debugger - Runtime


It would be interesting in the debugger to return the time it took for a function or endpoint to execute.

Even more with the cache feature, it would be possible to know the difference in performance using cache.


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Love it. Great idea.
  • Daniel Rjeili
     you can do creating a timestamp var “Started” getting “now” as the first step at stack, then create another timestamp var “Finished”, “one before the last” because the last is another one “exec_time” = ( Finished - Started ) / 1000 ... and if want add it to response you can as its a variable like others.
     I used this routine to compare some functions processed inside xano X processed outside using js ... is very useful having this functionality available by default in Xano.👍👍


  • Yes, this is an alternative. But it would be useful to have it native to xano so you don't have to create it in every function