Fail to Manipulate External API Data

I'm trying to manipulate some data from an external API. Here's an excerpt of the JSON input:
"query": {
"email": "xxx",
"queryType": "EmailIPRisk",
"count": 1,
"created": "2021-08-11T17:39:59Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"responseCount": 1,
"billaddress": "xxx",
"billcity": "xxxx",
"billcountry": "xx",
"billpostal": "xxx",
"billregion": "xx",
"firstname": "xx",
"lastname": "xx",
"phone": "xx",
"shipaddress": "xxx",
"shipcity": "xx",
"shipcountry": "xx",
"shippostal": "xx",
"shipregion": "xx",
"transamount": "100.3",
"transcurrency": "xx",
"results": [
"userdefinedrecordid": "",
"email": "",
"ipaddress": "xxx",
"eName": "xx",
"emailAge": "",
"email_creation_days": "",
"domainAge": "xxx",
"domain_creation_days": "xx",
"firstVerificationDate": "xx",
"first_seen_days": "3665",
"lastVerificationDate": "xxx",
"status": "xx",
"country": "xx",
"fraudRisk": "011 Very Low",
"EAScore": "11",
"EAReason": "Email Name Match",
"EAStatusID": "2",
"EAReasonID": "1001",
"EAAdviceID": "1001",
"EAAdvice": "Approve",
"EARiskBandID": "1",
"EARiskBand": "Fraud Score 1 to 100",
"source_industry": "xx",
"fraud_type": "",
"lastflaggedon": "xxxx",
"dob": "",
"gender": "",
"location": "xxx",
"smfriends": "xx",
"totalhits": "xx",
"uniquehits": "x",
"imageurl": "xx.png",
"emailExists": "xx",
"domainExists": "xx",
"company": "xx",
"title": "xxx",
"domainname": "",
"domaincompany": "Google",
"domaincountryname": "United States",
"domaincategory": "Webmail",
"domaincorporate": "No",
"domainrisklevel": "Moderate",
"domainrelevantinfo": "Valid Webmail Domain from United States",
"domainrisklevelID": "3",
"domainrelevantinfoID": "508",
"domaincountrymatch": "No",
"domainriskcountry": "No",
"ip_risklevel": "Moderate",
"ip_riskreasonid": "311",
"ip_riskreason": "Moderate By Proxy Reputation And Country Code",
"ip_reputation": "Good",
"ip_risklevelid": "3",
"ip_anonymousdetected": "False",
"ip_proxytype": "",
"ip_proxydescription": "",
"ip_isp": "xxx",
"ip_org": "xx",
"ip_userType": "xx",
"ip_netSpeedCell": "broadband",
"ip_corporateProxy": "False",
"ip_continentCode": "sa",
"ip_country": "xx",
"ip_countryCode": "xx",
"ip_region": "xx",
"ip_city": "xxx",
"ip_callingcode": "",
"ip_metroCode": "xx",
"ip_latitude": "x",
"ip_longitude": "x",
"ip_map": "x",
"ipcountrymatch": "Yes",
"ipriskcountry": "",
"ipdistancekm": "",
"ipdistancemil": "",
"iptimezone": "x",
"ipasnum": "x",
"ipdomain": "x",
"ip_countryconf": "99",
"ip_regionconf": "90",
"ip_cityconf": "80",
"ip_postalcode": "xx",
"ip_postalconf": "35",
"custphoneInbillingloc": "",
"citypostalmatch": "",
"shipcitypostalmatch": "",
"phone_status": "Valid",
"shipforward": "No",
"billriskcountry": "No",
"namematch": "Y",
"overallDigitalIdentityScore": "74",
"emailToIpConfidence": "62",
"emailToPhoneConfidence": "99",
"emailToBillAddressConfidence": "56",
"emailToShipAddressConfidence": "34",
"emailToFullNameConfidence": "95",
"emailToLastNameConfidence": "95",
"ipToPhoneConfidence": "58",
"ipToBillAddressConfidence": "44",
"ipToShipAddressConfidence": "37",
"ipToFullNameConfidence": "58",
"ipToLastNameConfidence": "58",
"phoneToBillAddressConfidence": "50",
"phoneToShipAddressConfidence": "44",
"phoneToFullNameConfidence": "89",
"phoneToLastNameConfidence": "89",
"billAddressToFullNameConfidence": "44",
"billAddressToLastNameConfidence": "61",
"shipAddressToBillAddressConfidence": "46",
"shipAddressToFullNameConfidence": "30",
"shipAddressToLastNameConfidence": "30",
"disDescription": "High Confidence"
"responseStatus": {
"status": "success",
"errorCode": "0",
"description": ""

As soon I reach the child "result" (line 24) I'm not able to retrieve it nor any of its childs.

Any ideas or workarounds here?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - can you provide some insights and screen shots perhaps of what you've tried so far but is not working? 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    So the issue appears to be the API is not sending your payload in proper JSON format. Your external API is sending the response as Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencode

    You will want a Content-type: application/json

    Perhaps they have a REST API that outputs JSON to work with?
  • Danilo Toledo
    Thank you for your answer . But I'm not sure that it's the problem.

    The request that i send to the API is in the format application/x-www-form-urlencode but i'm pretty sure that its response is actually in JSON format (as pasted bellow). 
    "query": {
    "email": "",
    "ip": "",
    "queryType": "EmailIPRisk",
    "count": 1,
    "created": "2018-06-09T00:09:48Z",
    "lang": "en-US",
    "responseCount": 1,
    "acceptlang": "en-US",
    "billaddress": "billing address",
    "billcity": "billing city",
    "billcountry": "US",
    "billpostal": "85000",
    "billregion": "AZ",
    "deviceid": "deviceid",
    "devicesource": "100",
    "existingcustomer": "true",
    "firstname": "Test",
    "lastname": "EA",
    "phone": "+11234567890",
    "response_language": "en-US",
    "shipaddress": "shipping address",
    "shipcity": "shipping city",
    "shipcountry": "US",
    "shippostal": "85001",
    "shipregion": "AZ",
    "transamount": "10",
    "transcurrency": "USD",
    "transorigin": "IN",
    "customerid": "C111111",
    "useragent": "User agent",
    "time_to_service": "100",
    "secondary_email": "",
    "service_date": "2018-1-1",
    "service_location": "service location",
    "service_detail": "service detail",
    "service_category": "service category",
    "delivery_type": "delivery type",
    "cardFirstSix": "542418",
    "trackingid": "12345",
    "transactionTypeId": "1",
    "transactionTypeDescription": "Account creation",
    "custom1": "one",
    "custom2": "two",
    "custom3": "three",
    "custom4": "four",
    "custom5": "five",
    "custom6": "six",
    "custom7": "seven",
    "results": [
    "userdefinedrecordid": "urid",
    "email": "",
    "ipaddress": "",
    "eName": "Test EA",
    "emailAge": "",
    "email_creation_days": "",
    "domainAge": "1995-08-13T04:00:00Z",
    "domain_creation_days": "8335",
    "firstVerificationDate": "2005-05-30T00:00:00Z",
    "first_seen_days": "4758",
    "lastVerificationDate": "2018-06-08T08:15:49Z",
    "status": "EmailInexistent",
    "country": "US",
    "fraudRisk": "995 Very High",
    "EAScore": "995",
    "EAReason": "Fraud Level 6",
    "EAStatusID": "3",
    "EAReasonID": "1",
    "EAAdviceID": "1",
    "EAAdvice": "Fraud Review",
    "EARiskBandID": "6",
    "EARiskBand": "Fraud Score 900 to 999",
    "source_industry": "Anti-Fraud Solution Provider",
    "fraud_type": "Customer Dispute (Chargeback)",
    "lastflaggedon": "2018-05-29T17:29:00Z",
    "dob": "",
    "gender": "",
    "location": "",
    "smfriends": "2",
    "totalhits": "510",
    "uniquehits": "3",
    "imageurl": "",
    "emailExists": "Not Anymore",
    "domainExists": "Yes",
    "company": "",
    "title": "",
    "domainname": "",
    "domaincompany": "Google",
    "domaincountryname": "United States",
    "domaincategory": "Webmail",
    "domaincorporate": "No",
    "domainrisklevel": "Moderate",
    "domainrelevantinfo": "Valid Webmail Domain from United States",
    "domainrisklevelID": "3",
    "domainrelevantinfoID": "508",
    "domaincountrymatch": "Yes",
    "domainriskcountry": "No",
    "smlinks": [{
    "source": "GooglePlus",
    "link": ""
    "ip_risklevelid": "3",
    "ip_risklevel": "Moderate",
    "ip_riskreasonid": "311",
    "ip_riskreason": "Moderate By Proxy Reputation And Country Code",
    "ip_reputation": "Good",
    "ip_anonymousdetected": "No",
    "ip_proxytype": "",
    "ip_proxydescription": "",
    "ip_isp": "att services inc.",
    "ip_org": "alascom inc.",
    "ip_userType": "wifi",
    "ip_netSpeedCell": "broadband",
    "ip_corporateProxy": "Yes",
    "ip_continentCode": "na",
    "ip_country": "United States",
    "ip_countryCode": "US",
    "ip_region": "alaska",
    "ip_city": "fairbanks",
    "ip_callingcode": "907",
    "ip_metroCode": "745",
    "ip_latitude": "64.8363",
    "ip_longitude": "-147.715",
    "ip_map": ",-147.715&radius=&title=fairbanks,alaska,United+States",
    "ipcountrymatch": "Yes",
    "ipshipcountrymatch": "Yes",
    "ipriskcountry": "",
    "ipdistancekm": "8637",
    "ipdistancemil": "5366",
    "ipshipdistancekm": "1401",
    "ipshipdistancemil": "870",
    "ipaccuracyradius": "",
    "iptimezone": "-800",
    "ipasnum": "32328 alascom inc.",
    "ipdomain": "",
    "ip_countryconf": "99",
    "ip_regionconf": "99",
    "ip_cityconf": "95",
    "ip_postalcode": "99701",
    "ip_postalconf": "50",
    "ip_riskscore": "",
    "custphoneInbillingloc": "Not Found",
    "citypostalmatch": "",
    "shipcitypostalmatch": "No",
    "phone_status": "Invalid",
    "shipforward": "",
    "billriskcountry": "No",
    "namematch": "Y",
    "deviceIdRiskLevel": "Moderate",
    "phoneowner": "Test EA",
    "phoneownertype": "CONSUMER",
    "phonecarriertype": "mobile",
    "phonecarriernetworkcode": "012",
    "phonecarriername": "Verizon Wireless",
    "phoneownermatch": "Y",
    "issuerBank": "CITIBANK N.A.",
    "issuerBrand": "MASTERCARD",
    "issuerCountry": "US",
    "cardCategory": "PLATINUM",
    "cardType": "CREDIT",
    "correlationId": "6740fcb0-677c-468e-a551-f3950cc26b06",
    "transAmount": "10",
    "transCurrency": "USD",
    "trackingId": "12345",
    "custom1": "one",
    "custom2": "two",
    "custom3": "three",
    "custom4": "four",
    "custom5": "five",
    "custom6": "six",
    "custom7": "seven"
    "responseStatus": {
    "status": "success",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "description": ""
    So much that Xano interface is able to identify its response fields when I configure which values should be stored on a new variable:
    But somehow it doesn't work when I Run & Debug.