Updating a record via API

I am having a bit of a noob issue and have not found a post on the topic. Maybe it is too simple, so please bare with me

I have a POST method for one of the tables. It is a profile table so it has a few fields there. I want all of them to be optional when updating meaning I can just send 3 o the fields, and only that information is updated.

With the default Edit Record, when I send the call with just 3 fields it updates those 3 but sets every other field to empty. I tried changing it to patch but didn't really work.

Also tried filters - added an is_null check and then added a get for the old value. But with this approach, the fields that do have new values do not get updated.

What is the easiest way to update just a few of the properties of a record without creating a call or function for each?
